Heat Results

Heat Type

SODI 10 Minute race

Win By



27/03/2010 10:24


Robert Smyth R...

Heat Winner: RacerRobert Smyth R...
Best Lap91.619 # of Laps5 Gap from Leader- Average Lap93.208
ProSkill SCORE1225 This Round +/- 5
2nd Place: RacerRegent House A
Best Lap91.258 # of Laps5 Gap from Leader2.553 Average Lap93.357
ProSkill SCORE1220 This Round +/- 5
3rd Place: Racer. Groby Commun...
Best Lap91.886 # of Laps5 Gap from Leader3.950 Average Lap93.517
ProSkill SCORE1225 This Round +/- 5
PositionRacer Best LapGap from Leader# of LapsAverage LapProSkill
4 Hutchesons' Gr... 92.393 9.034 5 94.095 1220
5 . Hartsimere H... 91.181 12.282 5 94.799 1225
6 . Breadalbane ... 93.249 13.008 5 95.15 1220
7 . The Bulmersh... 93.757 17.729 5 96.141 1220
8 . Caterham Sch... 94.159 19.614 5 96.437 1220
9 . Kingdown A 94.45 20.229 5 97.067 1220
10 . Leigh Techno... 89.828 25.091 5 97.42 1225
11 The Armthorpe ... 94.722 32.605 5 99.181 1225
12 Sawtry Communi... 95.023 33.519 5 99.062 1220
13 . Kingdown B 94.764 34.087 5 99.43 1225
14 . The Centre S... 96.14 34.934 5 99.399 1225
15 . Bloxham School 94.393 35.296 5 99.866 1225
16 . Tommies Torn... 94.51 41.888 5 101.498 1225
17 . Winton Racer... 96.006 57.552 5 104.242 1220
18 . Tbs Karting A 92.084 76.092 5 108.184 1220
19 The Hurst . 94.42 1L 4 135.379 1225
20 . Buxton Commu... 102.151 3L 2 104.248 1220

Lap Times by Racer

. Bloxham School
(Penalties: 0)
1116.914 [20]
296.955 [19]
396.383 [17]
494.393 [15]
594.683 [15]
. Breadalbane ...
(Penalties: 0)
197.413 [7]
296.962 [5]
394.43 [5]
493.698 [5]
593.249 [6]
. Buxton Commu...
(Penalties: 0)
1102.151 [10]
2106.346 [17]
. Caterham Sch...
(Penalties: 0)
1102.902 [12]
295.301 [8]
394.989 [9]
494.835 [9]
594.159 [8]
. Groby Commun...
(Penalties: 0)
196.799 [4]
291.886 [3]
393.894 [3]
492.531 [3]
592.475 [3]
. Hartsimere H...
(Penalties: 0)
1103.719 [15]
294.439 [9]
392.315 [7]
492.343 [6]
591.181 [5]
Hutchesons' Gr...
(Penalties: 0)
196.959 [8]
295.882 [4]
392.676 [4]
492.566 [4]
592.393 [4]
. Kingdown A
(Penalties: 0)
198.271 [5]
2100.495 [6]
394.45 [6]
494.752 [7]
597.365 [9]
. Kingdown B
(Penalties: 0)
1103.077 [11]
298.109 [12]
3104.875 [16]
496.326 [14]
594.764 [13]
. Leigh Techno...
(Penalties: 0)
1104.126 [16]
295.774 [11]
3103.973 [14]
493.399 [10]
589.828 [10]
Regent House A
(Penalties: 0)
195.567 [2]
292.879 [2]
394.361 [2]
492.721 [2]
591.258 [2]
Robert Smyth R...
(Penalties: 0)
194.764 [1]
292.681 [1]
393.387 [1]
493.587 [1]
591.619 [1]
Sawtry Communi...
(Penalties: 0)
1103.524 [13]
2100.226 [14]
399.12 [13]
497.417 [12]
595.023 [12]
. Tbs Karting A
(Penalties: 0)
199.232 [6]
2103.371 [10]
396.34 [10]
4149.892 [18]
592.084 [18]
The Armthorpe ...
(Penalties: 0)
1106.605 [18]
299.855 [15]
397.72 [12]
497.003 [11]
594.722 [11]
. The Bulmersh...
(Penalties: 0)
1101.166 [9]
296.05 [7]
395.318 [8]
494.413 [8]
593.757 [7]
. The Centre S...
(Penalties: 0)
1105.15 [17]
296.14 [13]
3103.139 [15]
496.332 [13]
596.232 [14]
The Hurst .
(Penalties: 0)
1105.235 [19]
2105.623 [18]
3236.239 [19]
494.42 [19]
. Tommies Torn...
(Penalties: 0)
197.512 [3]
2120.914 [20]
399.215 [18]
494.51 [16]
595.337 [16]
. Winton Racer...
(Penalties: 0)
1105.444 [14]
2102.099 [16]
396.006 [11]
4116.503 [17]
5101.157 [17]