Heat Results

Heat Type

2024 SODI 15min. Race

Win By



02/02/2025 09:30


L - Thomas Lan...

Heat Winner: RacerL - Thomas Lan...
Best Lap80.184 # of Laps11 Gap from Leader- Average Lap81.964
ProSkill SCORE1520 This Round +/- 5
2nd Place: RacerL - Charlie Cs...
Best Lap80.347 # of Laps11 Gap from Leader0.202 Average Lap82.183
ProSkill SCORE3420 This Round +/- 5
3rd Place: RacerL - Jacob Csep...
Best Lap80.047 # of Laps11 Gap from Leader0.403 Average Lap82.113
ProSkill SCORE3635 This Round +/- 5
PositionRacer Best LapGap from Leader# of LapsAverage LapProSkill
4 L - Freddie B... 80.115 0.655 11 82.05 1300
5 L - Harrison L... 80.355 1.367 11 81.982 1255
6 H - Freddie Je... 80.544 1.818 11 82.061 1540
7 L - Brandon Ed... 80.699 13.718 11 83.072 1855
8 L - Max Lindgren 80.283 14.332 11 83.047 2920
9 H - David Line 80.908 16.532 11 83.378 1255
10 L - Oli Kite 80.877 17.840 11 83.364 1305
11 L - Owen Turpin 81.275 19.701 11 83.71 2080
12 L - Lewis Bowey 81.585 20.348 11 83.613 1950
13 H - Sailesh Shah 81.913 20.867 11 83.557 1820
14 L - Daniel Jones 81.343 21.314 11 83.632 1255
15 Anonymous 81.381 32.116 11 84.961 2115
16 L - Nathaniel ... 82.145 32.524 11 84.68 1310
17 H - Abbie Boyd 82.052 32.846 11 84.648 2080
18 H - Richard Da... 82.427 33.193 11 84.641 1385
19 H - Maxwell Bo... 81.547 34.367 11 84.678 1700
20 L- Elliot Spe... 82.27 36.369 11 84.855 1240
21 L - Kai Ferner 81.79 30.743 11 84.405 1300
22 L - Max Passmore 82.029 40.184 11 85.432 1275
23 H - Barrington... 84.158 40.308 11 85.236 1260
24 L - Henry Buck... 84.074 48.354 11 85.912 1240
25 L- Tom Justice 80.78 1L 10 95.97 1910
26 J-Kyle Mcmillan 84.413 1L 10 97.107 1455
27 Anonymous 80.626 1L 10 97.507 5325

Lap Times by Racer

(Penalties: 0)
192.442 [19]
283.678 [18]
383.207 [19]
485.716 [19]
5205.105 [26]
697.398 [27]
783.729 [27]
881.941 [27]
981.228 [27]
1080.626 [27]
H - Sailesh Shah
(Penalties: 0)
188.072 [9]
282.607 [10]
382.397 [10]
485.9 [8]
585.665 [8]
683.121 [9]
782.501 [10]
881.913 [11]
982.349 [11]
1082.185 [12]
1182.419 [13]
L - Max Lindgren
(Penalties: 0)
189.792 [12]
282.657 [11]
382.584 [11]
486.288 [11]
585.589 [11]
682.526 [10]
780.977 [9]
880.283 [9]
981.824 [8]
1080.446 [8]
1180.556 [8]
L - Jacob Csep...
(Penalties: 0)
187.735 [3]
281.145 [3]
380.698 [3]
483.896 [3]
583.841 [3]
681.399 [4]
781.046 [3]
880.047 [3]
981.585 [2]
1081.407 [3]
1180.44 [3]
L - Charlie Cs...
(Penalties: 0)
186.624 [1]
281.927 [1]
381.681 [1]
483.227 [1]
584.061 [1]
680.917 [1]
780.347 [1]
881.853 [2]
981.272 [1]
1080.882 [1]
1181.217 [2]
H - Maxwell Bo...
(Penalties: 0)
195.823 [25]
285.25 [25]
385.686 [24]
483.942 [22]
584.391 [21]
681.547 [21]
783.156 [20]
883.946 [21]
982.237 [21]
1083.09 [21]
1182.392 [20]
L - Thomas Lan...
(Penalties: 0)
185.963 [2]
280.801 [2]
381.45 [2]
483.807 [2]
583.825 [2]
680.812 [2]
780.184 [2]
881.553 [1]
981.997 [3]
1080.885 [2]
1180.327 [1]
L - Owen Turpin
(Penalties: 0)
189.338 [7]
282.508 [7]
382.763 [7]
488.442 [10]
585.598 [10]
682.968 [11]
781.742 [11]
881.83 [12]
982.488 [12]
1081.86 [11]
1181.275 [11]
(Penalties: 0)
1104.071 [26]
282.504 [26]
385.063 [23]
486.374 [24]
583.206 [23]
681.805 [22]
782.992 [22]
882.515 [20]
981.381 [20]
1081.475 [20]
1183.183 [16]
L- Tom Justice
(Penalties: 0)
1223.26 [27]
284.955 [27]
383.144 [27]
481.659 [27]
580.934 [27]
682.357 [26]
780.859 [25]
880.856 [25]
980.78 [25]
1080.899 [25]
H - Abbie Boyd
(Penalties: 0)
192.127 [17]
284.346 [16]
382.052 [16]
490.895 [21]
584.022 [20]
682.441 [19]
782.526 [19]
882.217 [19]
982.108 [19]
1084.293 [19]
1184.106 [18]
L - Lewis Bowey
(Penalties: 0)
192.105 [15]
282.465 [14]
381.895 [14]
486.182 [13]
585.554 [13]
682.157 [13]
781.587 [13]
881.648 [13]
982.519 [13]
1082.051 [13]
1181.585 [12]
L - Brandon Ed...
(Penalties: 0)
190.892 [13]
282.923 [12]
382.254 [12]
485.152 [9]
585.401 [9]
681.712 [8]
781.105 [7]
880.699 [7]
981.708 [7]
1081.016 [7]
1180.929 [7]
J-Kyle Mcmillan
(Penalties: 0)
192.997 [20]
286.099 [22]
3185.641 [26]
489.079 [26]
585.785 [25]
685.725 [25]
790.045 [26]
885.527 [26]
985.762 [26]
1084.413 [26]
H - David Line
(Penalties: 0)
189.812 [8]
282.111 [8]
382.417 [8]
486.708 [7]
585.394 [7]
682.161 [7]
781.924 [8]
880.908 [8]
982.935 [9]
1081.555 [9]
1181.235 [9]
H - Richard Da...
(Penalties: 0)
192.364 [18]
284.032 [17]
382.427 [17]
485.347 [17]
584.826 [17]
683.208 [17]
782.9 [18]
882.849 [18]
983.929 [18]
1084.711 [18]
1184.458 [19]
H - Freddie Je...
(Penalties: 0)
186.782 [5]
281.852 [5]
381.033 [5]
482.887 [5]
583.768 [5]
681.06 [5]
781.704 [6]
880.544 [6]
981.381 [6]
1081.062 [6]
1180.6 [6]
L - Oli Kite
(Penalties: 0)
189.114 [10]
282.383 [9]
381.538 [9]
488.671 [12]
585.745 [12]
682.459 [12]
781.59 [12]
880.877 [10]
982.098 [10]
1081.555 [10]
1180.969 [10]
L - Harrison L...
(Penalties: 0)
187.338 [6]
281.392 [6]
381.486 [6]
482.797 [6]
583.58 [6]
681.077 [6]
780.72 [5]
880.355 [5]
981.579 [5]
1080.963 [5]
1180.515 [5]
L - Max Passmore
(Penalties: 0)
196.011 [21]
283.037 [20]
382.143 [18]
483.604 [16]
585.291 [16]
683.08 [15]
782.029 [16]
882.847 [16]
984.735 [15]
1082.061 [15]
1194.909 [22]
L - Freddie B...
(Penalties: 0)
187.133 [4]
281.129 [4]
381.027 [4]
483.572 [4]
583.854 [4]
680.942 [3]
781.627 [4]
880.115 [4]
981.499 [4]
1081.349 [4]
1180.298 [4]
L - Kai Ferner
(Penalties: 0)
190.995 [16]
284.511 [15]
382.258 [15]
484.811 [15]
585.506 [15]
683.326 [16]
781.79 [15]
882.974 [15]
984.987 [16]
1082.433 [16]
1184.867 [15]
L - Nathaniel ...
(Penalties: 0)
195.619 [22]
283.255 [21]
382.2 [20]
484.964 [18]
584.587 [18]
682.811 [18]
782.424 [17]
882.145 [17]
984.584 [17]
1084.621 [17]
1184.271 [17]
H - Barrington...
(Penalties: 0)
189.508 [14]
286.967 [19]
384.576 [21]
485.012 [20]
585.645 [19]
684.301 [20]
784.171 [21]
884.377 [22]
984.217 [23]
1084.158 [23]
1184.666 [23]
L- Elliot Spe...
(Penalties: 0)
195.376 [24]
285.034 [24]
386.504 [25]
485.088 [23]
583.64 [22]
682.921 [23]
783.776 [23]
882.27 [23]
982.955 [22]
1082.899 [22]
1182.946 [21]
L - Henry Buck...
(Penalties: 0)
194.617 [23]
285.228 [23]
385.737 [22]
487.87 [25]
584.127 [24]
684.074 [24]
784.773 [24]
884.544 [24]
984.147 [24]
1084.963 [24]
1184.955 [24]
L - Daniel Jones
(Penalties: 0)
188.94 [11]
283.868 [13]
382.293 [13]
487.384 [14]
585.726 [14]
682.036 [14]
781.628 [14]
881.343 [14]
982.585 [14]
1081.717 [14]
1182.437 [14]